Recent feature stories
Your institution is unique, and you have stories to tell — programs, projects and individuals that you want to share with the world. I conduct in-depth interviews, fact-check for accuracy, and write compelling stories (so you can work on your to-do list).
Student-curated exhibit on Audubon's "Birds of America" takes wing
Madison Fox wants you to have it all
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Recent research stories
You could throw a stone (gently) and hit a faculty member whose research will change the world. But translating their findings to plain English — and finding a hook that grabs a regular reader — takes time. Let me help share your institution’s research with the world.
COVID-19 was bad for college students’ health. How should universities respond?
Perera envisions the future of edge computing: faster and more adaptable than ever before
Intestinal parasites found in Mississippi children “embody” inequality
Brandon Runnels, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, earns NSF CAREER Award
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What’s privacy got to do with it? $500,000 NSF award to combine cybersecurity and resilience research
Smaller, faster, stronger: NSF grant to help researcher develop the electronics of the future
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Recent news stories
What's the best feeling in the world? Probably when the media pick up your institution's story for prime-time. I write news stories in AP format, open with a great hook and use snappy quotes, so they can be easily picked up by local (or national) media. This is Anna Squires Creative at work.
Intestinal parasites found in Mississippi children “embody” inequality (picked up by Newsweek)
First Bachelor and Master of Social Work graduates to cross Commencement stage (picked up by the Colorado Springs Gazette)
Professor pursues first-ever Fulbright research on gender studies (picked up by NPR)
Were tenure-clock stops a gift for all faculty? (picked up by The Chronicle of Higher Education)
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New aerospace engineering degree to fill cybersecurity workforce needs (picked up by KOAA News5)
University launches free STEM Outreach Program for underrepresented high school students (picked up by KOAA News5)